In order to accept payment card payments on your website, you need an activated Stripe account. This account takes mere minutes to setup, is free, and activation is instantaneous following your application. A transaction fee will be charged by Stripe on each sale that you make on your website of 2.9% of the transaction value + 30 cents.

Once you've setup your Stripe account, you need to obtain the test and live Stripe keys from your Stripe account. You can obtain these with the following instructions.

1. Once logged into your Stripe account, in the menu on the left, click on 'Developers' and then click 'API keys'.

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2. Copy the Publishable and Secret Keys and paste them into your Booking Form Settings page. Please note that the Stripe fields within your Booking Form Settings page are only accessible if the Payment Method is set to one of the following:

- Customer can pay at time of booking or after booking

- Customer has to pay at time of booking

Screenshot from Stripe

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Screenshot from Booking Form Settings page

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3. Access the test API keys for your Stripe account by clicking 'View test data' in the left menu when logged into your Stripe account.

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4. In the menu on the left, click on 'Developers' and then click 'API keys'.

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5. Copy the Publishable and Secret Keys and paste them into your Booking Form Settings page.

Screenshot from Stripe

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Screenshot from Booking Form Settings page

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6. Go back to your Stripe account and click the 'Viewing test data' button so that it appears as follows.

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Now, when a user goes to complete a booking on your website, a Stripe payment card form will appear.

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